Sunday, December 03, 2006

Stormy Weather

...or at least that's what's outside my window at the moment. Weatherman forecasting severe storm. Unfortunately we had hoped to go to Killarney (promised Rich) to see the Rally of the Lakes Classic Rally but we've had to cancel. Will make it up to him...promise!
On the Minor front yesterday was dry so we got some anti-rust paint on the front kidney plate to try and protect it for the winter.
Then some welding practice. Used the CO2/Argon gas for the first time & it worked well, feel we could actually start to do some repair work. Used the joggler to make holes for spot welds, but we think the holes are too small as none of the welds held. We are going to try and see if we use larger drilled holes will these work.

Also added a page to the photobucket site for Classic Cars we've come across, only a couple there at the moment, but we'll add more.
I've also started work in Bournemouth. Lovely to be back there again but the weather has been terrible since I arrived (not as I remember it from before) so I only got to see the beach once. The work as usual is pressurized but I'm managing to get the hours in and gotten used to the weely travel once again. That's why the blog is hot and miss at the moment (no access from work).

So till the next time......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a test to see if comments work. How's it going Rich?

8:35 a.m.  

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